Books on How to Work with Addictions and EMDR Therapy

"PET_-_Human_Addiction" by Nora Volkow via Wikipedia (CC- CreativeCommons)

Therapists interested in learning more about working with addictions through the lens of trauma, and  how to stabilize clients using EMDR Therapy to give clients ease in their body and mind might be interested in the following sample of the books that Barb Maiberger and John Gray recommend in their EMDR Advanced…

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Addictions, Trauma, and EMDR Therapy

The word “addiction” is a loaded word. Many people struggle with addiction on some level. It’s often hard to see or admit to oneself. Addiction can be complex in that it impacts people biologically, chemically, neurologically, psychologically, medically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. What is in common with all addictions is the feeling…

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Attachment and EMDR Therapy in Working with Adults

"Baby Holding Hands Hands" by beeki via Pixabay (CreativeCommons)

EMDR Therapy is mostly known for helping people working through very distinct traumatic events. These events can be named, felt, and remembered distinctly. When these kinds of memories are worked on in EMDR Therapy, clients feel the trauma become resolved and feel more present in their lives. This is something…

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