Books on Working with Somatic Interventions and EMDR Therapy

1503 Connections of the Parasympathetic Nervous System

Many EMDR Therapists receive training in body-centered ways of working with trauma to learn how to see trauma in the body and have interventions that will help the client move through and integrate the trauma more completely. If you are an EMDR Therapist interested reading more about how trauma impacts the…

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The Role of Resourcing in Complex PTSD

The following post was written by guest blogger, Katie Asmus, MA, LPC, BMP Complex PTSD is so very. . . well. . . complex! Those who have experienced ongoing stressful (and perhaps even abusive) life circumstances know that the impact of such a chronic state of stress is long-lasting. Our…

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Proxemics and Nonverbal Communication in EMDR Therapy

Diagram representation of personal space limits. Inspired by Reaction-bubble.png by Libb Thims (WikiCommons - CC0)

In the field of somatic psychology, nonverbal communication is a key element. Nonverbal communication is the ability to read and understand people’s nonverbal signals. Have you heard the phrase “actions speak louder then words”? Well, it’s true! 60 – 70% of our communication is nonverbal while only 30 – 40…

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Somatic Psychology and EMDR Therapy

"car accident" by VladArtist

This blog post was written by guest blogger Dr. Arielle Schwartz, and was originally posted on her blog. A Synthesis of Healing A driver made a turn in front of me and suddenly I pressed hard on the brakes. My car slowed in the middle of a busy intersection. Crash!…

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Books on How to Work with Addictions and EMDR Therapy

"PET_-_Human_Addiction" by Nora Volkow via Wikipedia (CC- CreativeCommons)

Therapists interested in learning more about working with addictions through the lens of trauma, and  how to stabilize clients using EMDR Therapy to give clients ease in their body and mind might be interested in the following sample of the books that Barb Maiberger and John Gray recommend in their EMDR Advanced…

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Addictions, Trauma, and EMDR Therapy

The word “addiction” is a loaded word. Many people struggle with addiction on some level. It’s often hard to see or admit to oneself. Addiction can be complex in that it impacts people biologically, chemically, neurologically, psychologically, medically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. What is in common with all addictions is the feeling…

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