Category: EMDR Therapy Blog EMDR Blog
Working with Attachment Trauma and EMDR Therapy
When therapists are first learning EMDR Therapy, they quickly realize that single incident traumas easily reprocess, and more complex cases do not respond using the standard protocol without learning more skills to recognize the underlying Attachment trauma. In order to successfully navigate Attachment Trauma, EMDR Therapists need to learn how…
Somatic Interventions in EMDR Therapy
Somatic Therapy engages body awareness as an intervention in psychotherapy and addresses the connections between the brain, the mind, and behavior. EMDR Therapists with training in somatic interventions have advanced tools to work with the dysregulation of the nervous system associated with post traumatic stress. Modern day somatic psychotherapies such…
EMDR Therapy for Complex PTSD Requires Creativity, Patience, and Finesse
Did you know that Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD, or Complex PTSD) is not an official DSM V diagnosis? It is, however, a commonly used term in the field of counseling psychology. Many clinicians use this term, and are even able to recognize when someone falls into this category of experience.…
Treating Addictions with EMDR Therapy and the Stages of Change
Message to EMDR Therapists Following the November 2015 Terrorist Attacks
The following blog post was written by guest blogger, Katy Murray, MSW, LICSW, BCD, and was originally posted on the EMDR Research Foundation email newsletter. As I watch the reports from the November terrorist attacks in Paris, (11/13) Beirut, (11/12) and throughout the world in 2015, I am once again rocked by the trauma humanity commits on its…
Self-Care Books for Therapists
Therapists and counselors often ask their clients how they are taking care of themselves. It’s an important part of therapy. The big question is — How are therapists taking care of themselves? Are they doing for themselves what they expect their clients to do? Many therapists often put themselves last…
How Therapists Can Find Their Own Unique Self-Care Formula
This blog post was written by guest blogger, Katie Asmus, MA, LPC, BMP For all you therapists, healers, helper types out there… There is no magic formula for self-care. There is no “do-it-yourself-assemble-out-of-the-box-prototype” to follow. I, personally, find self-care akin to riding on a surf board atop a wave. I am…
Reading List for 2015 EMDRIA Conference
Why Therapists Need to Develop a Self-Care Plan
Working with Attachment Trauma and EMDR Therapy

When therapists are first learning EMDR Therapy, they quickly realize that single incident traumas easily reprocess, and more complex cases do not respond using the standard protocol without learning more skills to recognize the underlying Attachment trauma. In order to successfully navigate Attachment Trauma, EMDR Therapists need to learn how…
Somatic Interventions in EMDR Therapy

Somatic Therapy engages body awareness as an intervention in psychotherapy and addresses the connections between the brain, the mind, and behavior. EMDR Therapists with training in somatic interventions have advanced tools to work with the dysregulation of the nervous system associated with post traumatic stress. Modern day somatic psychotherapies such…
EMDR Therapy for Complex PTSD Requires Creativity, Patience, and Finesse

Did you know that Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD, or Complex PTSD) is not an official DSM V diagnosis? It is, however, a commonly used term in the field of counseling psychology. Many clinicians use this term, and are even able to recognize when someone falls into this category of experience.…
Treating Addictions with EMDR Therapy and the Stages of Change
Message to EMDR Therapists Following the November 2015 Terrorist Attacks

The following blog post was written by guest blogger, Katy Murray, MSW, LICSW, BCD, and was originally posted on the EMDR Research Foundation email newsletter. As I watch the reports from the November terrorist attacks in Paris, (11/13) Beirut, (11/12) and throughout the world in 2015, I am once again rocked by the trauma humanity commits on its…
Self-Care Books for Therapists

Therapists and counselors often ask their clients how they are taking care of themselves. It’s an important part of therapy. The big question is — How are therapists taking care of themselves? Are they doing for themselves what they expect their clients to do? Many therapists often put themselves last…
How Therapists Can Find Their Own Unique Self-Care Formula

This blog post was written by guest blogger, Katie Asmus, MA, LPC, BMP For all you therapists, healers, helper types out there… There is no magic formula for self-care. There is no “do-it-yourself-assemble-out-of-the-box-prototype” to follow. I, personally, find self-care akin to riding on a surf board atop a wave. I am…