Polyvagal Theory and EMDR Therapy

As an EMDRIA Approved EMDR Consultant and co-developer of several EMDR Advanced Workshops at the Maiberger institute I have had many opportunities to present on the work of Dr. Stephen Porges and the Polyvagal Theory. Seeing Dr. Porges at the 2012 EMDRIA Conference was an opportunity to refine my own understanding…
EMDR Technician vs EMDR Artist
Attachment Wounding and Developmental Trauma

After attending the 2012 USABP conference, one workshop was a standout for me: “Attachment and Somatic Development” taught by Anne Isaacs, LCSW. She took a couple of different theoretical ways of working with Attachment Issues and integrated the work together. I won’t be able to cover the entire lecture but…
“Using EMDR and Brainspotting” Presentation at Boulder EMDR Network Meeting
Boulder EMDR Network Meeting Date: Monday October 22, 2012, 11:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Location: Spice of Life Event Center Flatirons Golf Course 5706 Arapahoe Rd. Boulder, CO 80303 [ map ] Agenda: 11:45-Noon Sign-in and networking Noon-12:15 Welcome, announcements, discussion 12:15-1:45 “Using EMDR and Brainspotting with Clients Who Have…
Maiberger Institute Launches New EMDR Therapist Directory
Workshop on “EMDR as a Tool for Healing Traumatic Memories and Attachment Injuries”
October 2012 Northern Colorado EMDR Network Meeting Date: October 26th, 2012 Time: 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Presenter: Emily Siegel, LCSW is an EMDRIA approved consultant in Laramie, Wyoming, where she works in private practice. Prior to living in Wyoming, she worked in New York City at the 9/11…
Anger and Trauma

Recently I attended a workshop “Transforming Destructive Anger” taught by Chuck Lustfield, LPC and Rick Spletter, LCSW at the 2012 USABP Conference. Anger is a common emotion that is often misunderstood and many people struggle with expressing anger in healthy ways. Most people do not even know what healthy anger…
Compassion Fatigue Symptoms in Caregivers Similar to PTSD

Everyone has been talking about the effects of war has on soldiers when they return from war; it’s called PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Bill Moyers recently brought to light an untold topic about the affects of war: compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue occurs when the caregivers in the war zones…
Registration Now Open for Boulder EMDR Basic Training (Dec. 2012 / Mar. 2013)
EMDR Basic Training Part 1: December 7 – 9, 2012 Part 2: March 8 – 10, 2013 Location: Maiberger Institute 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 206 Boulder, CO 80303 [ interactive map ] This EMDR Basic Training is facilitated by Barb Maiberger, MA, LPC — author of “EMDR Essentials: A Guide for…