Message to EMDR Therapists Following the November 2015 Terrorist Attacks

"Candle lights" by Esteban Chiner via Flickr (CreativeCommons)

The following blog post was written by guest blogger, Katy Murray, MSW, LICSW, BCD, and was originally posted on the EMDR Research Foundation email newsletter. As I watch the reports from the November terrorist attacks in Paris, (11/13) Beirut, (11/12)  and throughout the world in 2015, I am once again rocked by the trauma humanity commits on its…

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How Therapists Can Find Their Own Unique Self-Care Formula

"Girl with styrofoam swimming board" by Tommy Wong via Wikimedia Commons (2006 - CreativeCommons) -- English: A young girl taking a break in a swimming pool, grabbing on to a rainbow-coloured styrofoam flotation device.

This blog post was written by guest blogger, Katie Asmus, MA, LPC, BMP For all you therapists, healers, helper types out there… There is no magic formula for self-care. There is no “do-it-yourself-assemble-out-of-the-box-prototype” to follow. I, personally, find self-care akin to riding on a surf board atop a wave. I am…

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The Role of Resourcing in Complex PTSD

The following post was written by guest blogger, Katie Asmus, MA, LPC, BMP Complex PTSD is so very. . . well. . . complex! Those who have experienced ongoing stressful (and perhaps even abusive) life circumstances know that the impact of such a chronic state of stress is long-lasting. Our…

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Working with Complex PTSD, Dissociation, and EMDR Therapy

Bahasa Indonesia: Ini adalah ilustrasi abstrak menggambarkan individu dengan gangguan identitas disosiatif. by 04Mukti

We often hear in the news about trauma and PTSD, but very little on Complex PTSD. So what is Complex PTSD? Here is what Wikipedia defines as Complex PTSD: “Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) also known as developmental trauma disorder (DTD) or complex trauma is a psychological injury that results…

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Somatic Psychology and EMDR Therapy

"car accident" by VladArtist

This blog post was written by guest blogger Dr. Arielle Schwartz, and was originally posted on her blog. A Synthesis of Healing A driver made a turn in front of me and suddenly I pressed hard on the brakes. My car slowed in the middle of a busy intersection. Crash!…

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False Memories and EMDR Therapy

TED Speaker Elizabeth Loftus

In her TEDTalk, “The Fiction of Memory” (TEDGlobal 2013), Elizabeth Loftus discusses memory and in particular, false memories. She offers case examples of people who have been wrongly convicted by incidences of eyewitnesses having memories that were completely inaccurate. She explains the common misconception of memory as the following: …Memory…

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Healing Attachment Trauma with EMDR Therapy

"family-492891_640" by towbar via Pixabay (CC - Creative Commons)

We already know that EMDR Therapy relieves PTSD symptoms related to traumatic events. Now the new science of neuroplasticity helps us recognize that we can actually heal our earliest wounds; those related to our attachment and that form the template for relationships throughout our lives. Not very long ago the…

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EMDR Treatment for Addictions

This blog post is a collaboration between Barb Maiberger, MA, LPC and guest blogger John Gray, MA, LPC, CACIII. See below for information about their EMDR Advanced Workshop, “EMDR Therapy Tools for Addictions“ EMDR therapy is best known for helping people heal from traumatic events. The use of EMDR is expanding and…

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