To meet the EMDR Certification Requirements, do additional courses and workshops for CEUs need to be Maiberger Institute courses, or can I take courses outside of Maiberger Institute to fulfill the EMDR Certification Requirements?

One of the requirements in order to become a Certified EMDR Therapist through the Maiberger Institute is that the Certification Candidate must complete at least 12 continuing education credit hours in an EMDR therapy workshop, training, or class post completion of a Maiberger Institute Remote EMDR Training course (or an equivalent EMDR therapy training course, EMDR Training course, EMDR Basic Training course, Virtual EMDR Training course, etc).

  • Workshops must be conducted, instructed, or taught directly by a Certified EMDR Consultant or an Certified EMDR Consultant, and the workshop must be conducted either live remotely or live in-person.
  • Workshop instructor/trainer must currently be a licensed mental health practictioner in the United States, such as a state Licensed Psychologist (LP), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Marriage Family & Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), or Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor (LCAC). Instructor cannot be associate licensed, candidate licensed, temporary licensed, limited licensed, intern, nor registered psychotherapist.
  • Workshop must be accredited with APANBCCAAMFT, or NASW on Certificate of Completion.
  • Workshop must say “EMDR” in the title of the workshop, training, or class.
  • Workshops must have been conducted within 4 years prior to EMDR Certification date.


Whether the courses are conducted by the Maiberger Institute, or a provider outside the Maiberger Institute, as long as the course meets the above requirements, the CEUs from these courses can be applied toward becoming a Certified EMDR Therapist.

Read about our EMDR Certification Program for details on all the requirements on becoming a Certified EMDR Therapist.