Proxemics and Nonverbal Communication in EMDR Therapy

Diagram representation of personal space limits. Inspired by Reaction-bubble.png by Libb Thims (WikiCommons - CC0)

In the field of somatic psychology, nonverbal communication is a key element. Nonverbal communication is the ability to read and understand people’s nonverbal signals. Have you heard the phrase “actions speak louder then words”? Well, it’s true! 60 – 70% of our communication is nonverbal while only 30 – 40…

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Anger and Trauma

Angry cat - by Guyon Morée from Beverwijk, Netherlands (WikiMedia - Creative Commons)

Recently I attended a workshop “Transforming Destructive Anger” taught by Chuck Lustfield, LPC and Rick Spletter, LCSW at the 2012 USABP Conference. Anger is a common emotion that is often misunderstood and many people struggle with expressing anger in healthy ways. Most people do not even know what healthy anger…

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